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Peace. Health. Happiness.

Shavasana Steps & Benefits

Shavasana Steps & Benefits

Shavasana, the corpse pose, may look simple but is not easy. Many people may find it difficult to stay in the pose, quiet and motionless, for more...

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

12 Steps for Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar is a basic yoga practice and is a sequence of 12 yoga poses. It stretches and energises your entire body...

10 Yoga poses for Weight loss

10 Yoga poses for Weight loss

Many factors including faulty food habits, lack of physical activity, low metabolic rate, stress and anxiety, less sleep can lead to weight gain....

12 Yoga Poses for Beginners

12 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Yoga not only helps build flexibility, strength and balance it helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Practicing yoga regularly can help...

Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Yoga for High Blood Pressure

Nearly one in three Indians has high blood pressure. One in five young adults in India has high blood pressure according to research presented at...

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