Body, Mind Balance
Find Health & Happiness with Yoga & Meditation

Shavasana Steps & Benefits
Shavasana, the corpse pose, may look simple but is not easy. Many people may find it difficult to stay in the pose, quiet and motionless, for more than a few minutes. Normally done between other asanas and at the end of a yoga session. Steps Lie down on your back....
Surya Namaskar
12 Steps for Surya Namaskar Surya Namaskar is a basic yoga practice and is a sequence of 12 yoga poses. It stretches and energises your entire body in a very short time. 1. Pranamasana - Prayer pose Surya Namaskar - Prayer Pose First pose in sequence. Stand...
BMI Calculator
BMI is a simple calculation using your height and weight. It is calculated as BMI= your weight (Kg) / square of height (metres). It is generally used to indicate whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height. BMI applies to...
Ideal Weight
What should be my Weight Most people at some point of time think of losing weight. Ideal body weight is not exact science. It is only a reference and may help you make healthy life choices like regular exercise and choosing healthy foods....
10 Yoga poses for Weight loss
Many factors including faulty food habits, lack of physical activity, low metabolic rate, stress and anxiety, less sleep can lead to weight gain. While many do not consider yoga to be an aerobic exercise, done actively at a decent speed can burn a lot of calories....
12 Yoga Poses for Beginners
Yoga not only helps build flexibility, strength and balance it helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Practicing yoga regularly can help reduce common aches and pains. Simple yoga asanas can be done anytime about three hours after meals although the best...
Yoga for High Blood Pressure
Nearly one in three Indians has high blood pressure. One in five young adults in India has high blood pressure according to research presented at the 70th Annual Conference of the Cardiological Society of India (CSI). That is equal to around 80 million people, which...
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