Shavasana, the corpse pose, may look simple but is not easy. Many people may find it difficult to stay in the pose, quiet and motionless, for more than a few minutes.
Normally done between other asanas and at the end of a yoga session.
- Lie down on your back. Feet slightly apart.
- Keep your arms by your sides, slightly away from the body, palms facing upwards.
- Close your eyes and watch your breathing for a few seconds.
- Scan your body. Begin by taking your attention to your feet.
- Next take your attention to your legs.
- Gradually move your attention to your abdomen, then chest, back, arms, shoulders, neck, face, forehead & head.
- If the mind wanders away, gently bring it back to the present.
- In any part of the body, if you feel tension or stiffness, hold your attention there for a few seconds. Gently breathe into it and consciously relax that area.
- Stay in this pose for 5-10 minutes. Relax and keep breathing gently and slowly.
- Slowly roll to your left side and make a pillow of your left arm. Taking support of your right arm, slowly rise and sit in a comfortable position.
Shavasana helps reduce blood pressure, slows down the heart rate, and helps you feel peaceful. Your entire body is able to relax and you feel recharged and refreshed. Your mind returns to the present and you feel calm and serene.
Shavasana helps destress, reduces anxiety, and brings deep rest to your body and mind.